Hips: A, Elbows: A, Eyes o.k.-08
Medium sized male with extreme coat.
Nice small ears with good placement.
Short back, very agile and moves easy. 2 x CAC, 1 x CACIB, Crufts qualified for 2010
Father to N.UCh. Sheerena's Waldo Max
Gk. Funksjonsanalyse
Mai-07: Eksportert til England.

Nadjarah's Enhjørning
born 2006, dead mars 07.from.cancer
Stamtavle |
Show: 1 jk, 1 jkk, HP, CK, 2 BH

Click on name to see pedigree
N.UCh.Epsilon Phoenix Ag.
av Nangijala
"Lukas" |
Spring 00, 1 year old.
Photos: E. Jahnsen |
"Lukas" is a very nice, complete dog with excellent coat
and a very good type, without beeing too extreme.
Someone said he was the best looking groenendael
ever born in Norway, and of course we agree ;-))
His hips are excellent (A-A) and elbows (0-0)
eyes are tested ok-00.
He also competes class B in tracking/class 2 obedience
The showcarrier:
08/04-2000 Lundgren, Lasse NORSK KENNEL KLUB 1.JK 1.JKK HP 1.VK CERT 1.BHK BIR, Res. BIG
Også deltager i oppdretter-gruppen som ble BIS 1 med kullbrødrene Delta, Beta og Gamma.
24/11-2000 Show of Winners NKK Hamar
25/11-2000 Franzén, Harriet NORSK KENNEL KLUB 1.AUK 1.AUKK HP 1.VK CERT 3.BHK R.CACIB
10/11-2001 Mcdowell, Rodney KONGSBERG HUNDEKLUBB 1.AK 1.VK CERT, NUCh, 2.BHK
16/03-2002 Lyrholm, Anders NORSK KENNEL KLUB 1.CHK CK 1.BHK CACIB BIM
30/6-2002 Danske spesialen: 1 ak, 2 vk, CK, 2 BH
N.UCH, Nord.V-02
Click on name to see pedigree

N.UCh.Leonardo da Vinci
Ai. av Nangiajala |
Leo at the show where he tookhis first Cert summer-01 |
"Leo" is a very nice, complete dog with a very correct,
rough coat, extremely black in colour.
He have a stylish, long head with great expression.
He is medium tall with a short body and good bones.
His hips are excellent (A-A) and elbows (0-0),
eyes are tested clear-01.
MH-test showed that he have good interest in retrieve,
preydrive and also ability to defence himself / his owner.
So he passed the MH-test for young dogs summer-01,
and also our mentaltest for adult dogs, funksjonsanalyse the spring 2002 !
29/4-01: 1 uk, 1 ukk, HP, 1 vk
24/5-01: 1 uk, 1 ukk, HP, 1 vk, Cert, 1 BH, BIM
9/6-01: 1 uk, 1 ukk, HP, 1 vk, NKK- Cert, 4 BH
8/7-01: 1 uk, 2 ukk
27/7-01: MH-test
28/7-01: 1 uk, 1 ukk, HP, 1 vk, Cert, 2 BH
NKK Hamar 2001: Cert, N.UCh (J. Andersson)
NKK Hamar 2002: Best of breed, Nordic Winner 2002 !!! |
Leo.was.put.down.after.a.period.with.loosing.coat, |
Picasso Ao. av Nangijala Exp to Hungary/Germany


Picasso 3 years old Foto Merete Oudmayer |
30/09-2001 Mallard, Stuart NORSK GRAND DANOIS KLUBB 1.JK 1.JKK HP 1.VK CERT 2.BHK 28/10-2001 O´Brian, Vincent NORSK ROTTWEILERKLUBB 1.JK 1.JKK HP 1.VK CERT 3.BHK 15/06-2002 Oates, Seamus NES HUNDEKLUBB 1.AUK 1.AUKK HP 2.VK CK 3.BHK 22/02-2003 Finkelstein, Barbro Norsk Kennel Klub 1.AK 1.VK CERT 1.BHK CACIB BIR 26/04-2003 Oates, Seamus Norsk Dobermann Klub 1.CHK CK 1.BHK BIM 27/04-2003 Baker, Sheila Norsk Rottweilerklubb 2.CHK CK 2.BHK
Han er HD u.a, AD u.a., Øyenlyst u.a. Har gått i avel i Ungarn,Tyskland
Click on name to see pedigree
Sold, to Great Britain
- "Delta" is a very nice, handsome dog with the most beautiful
expression and small lovely set ears.
He have good "heavy" bonestructure,
and he is tall and masculine.
The best is that he have an absolutely lovely caracter !
His hips is excellent (A-A) and elbows (0-0).
Eyes are tested and clear-00.
He have also taken the swedish MH-test
At our breedspeciality june-00, he and his 3
brothers won BIS 1 Breedersgroup !
His showcarreer:
12 feb-00: Cert, 2 best male for Willemine van Deijl:
10 month, complete scissor bite, tall dog, excellent type,expressed head, well chizzeled, good stop, good legs, paralelle. Excellent earset, little ears, nice neck. Good body, well developed chest, well angulatedin front and behind, good bone/feet. Moves well, excellent coat.
4 june-00: 1 jk, 1 jkk, HP, 1 vk, NKK-Cert, 2 Best male
26 nov-00: 1 uk, 3 ukk, HP, 3 vk
26 may-01: 1 ak, 1 vk, Cert, Champion, BOB and 2. Best in Group
As a champion he have got:
16 june-01: Ck, 1 chk, 1 Best male, BOS
28 july-01: Ck, BOB, 3. Best in Group
19 aug-01: Ck, BOB, 5. Best in Group
16 sept-01: Ck, 2 chk, 2 Best male
10 nov-01: Ck, 1 chk, 1 Best male, BOB
24 nov-01: Ck, 3. Best male at the biggest show of the year
Ceres Gambler of Zoronique
- Imported from Holland,
- Father to litters: C, P, T, and V
- Gambler was put down because of old age autumn 00.
- He was 14 years and 3 months old !
- Ceres Gambler of Zoronique