back at 2002:
- Now we have been moving from our house in Sarpsborg, to a little
- 1 hour north of Sarpsborg, in Trøgstad close to Askim.
- We hope to buy it, and we will
know rather soon.
- It have been a lot of work, taking down all kennels and moving up
- Thanks to all that have helped me !!!
- Allthough, to get kennels with a good quality, to make it easy
to work with,
- it's still a lot of work remaining.
- But this place is
one of the most beautiful spots on earth !
- I have enjoyed every minute I've been here so far.
Here are some pictures from last summer:
The house |
The farm houses |
The old smithy |
- The view down the "valley".
- Her will my icelandic horses enjoy
- life in summer
- Moving to a new place is also one of the reasons why my
- website is not updated regularely lately.
- And also the reason why I don't write so long
mails these days.....
- The website ..
- ....passed 3 year on the net the 1.december-02.
- So far we have had 43.000 visitors !
- Thanks to Sara Olofsson and Magnus Brenne that made my website for me !
- The last two years I have updated it myself, it's a lot of
- I will start updating in early 2003,
- we hope to catch up before the spring,
- so just keep on sending results
to me.
- New breed:
- I have introduced a new breed, at least in my kennel....
- The german shepherd puppy Sushi was bought last christmas.
- Now
at age 1 year, when we know that she is healthy,
- we decided to
place her out on the website.
- She is from pure french workinglines, and we have high hopes in her.
- Our ambitions is to make good and healthy police- and workingdogs
for all sports.
2002: We had following litters:
- Malinois:
- Adobe Acrobat Ap. av Nangijala to
- Hyaena Hyaena Ab. av Nangijala
- Bjørn Erik Tokerud had this litter, and it seems very promising so
- So we decided to repeat it: Puppies expected jan-03.
- The father took a very good policetest (250p.), and will now join
the policeforces
- in the south of Norway.
- Tervueren:
- Falkvinden's Urgosh to
- Granitt Delphy de l'Izaville
- This is the first tervueren litter we have had with mainly malinois
- workinglines behind (87,5%). And so far it looks real promising.
- The police have 2 of them, and 2 are at Sch.H-interested homes.
- 1 export to USA and 1 to Finland..
- Malinois:
- We got the opportunity to travel to Holland in january-02, wich we
apreciated very much ! Thanks Johanna, for taking care of my dogs !!
- Rico v. Fort Oranje to
- Lavinia X. av Nangijala
- This litter had a bad
start with 3 weeks of bloody diarea. Since it was very contaminous, I
could not deliver them at 8 weeks, but had to wait to be shure that they where
- It's not nice to get such things on the puppies, I can tell you.
- Anyway, they are o.k. now, and people seem to be very satisfied
with them.
- 3 is bought by the police.
- New import:
- I also bought a male puppy when I visited Fort Oranje. He has
grown up to be a very nice dog, also with an exeptional deep and calm
bite, and also an enormous voice. I have been very lucky getting a
very good trainer taking care of him, so I'm shure we will se
him in competitions soon.....
- Remember the name: Grim v. Fort
- Why Grim ? Just to insure myself that he would never stay here:
- 2 x Grim is too complicated ;-)
- Groenendael:
- Greco Comme une Reve Noire to
- Guernica Ao. av Nangijala
- I have wanted to buy a puppy from Greco for some years.
- So finally I was able to do a litter myself, since he moved to
Sweden !!
- The puppies turned out to be a very nice litter so far, and if I
continue liking what
- I se, I plan on using him again.
- 2 are exported to Great Britain, as soon as they are ready to
- Export in return: Also our malinois bitch that have been in Finland
- having a litter at Mec Berger Kennel have returned this autumn.
- But
since I was in the middle of moving, she had her puppies in Sweden.
- Gunnar
Furevik have had the litter, and I have been down looking at them,
- and
brought a bitch home to Norway.
- She lives at Kongsberg in the Brantzæg family now, making their
lives a misery ;-)))
- Good luck with her !
Next years plans:
- Expected malinois litter january-03:
- Father: Adobe Acrobat Ap. av Nangijala, policedog test o.k.,
250 p. Social, stable male with good nerves. Extremely good tracking
and high preydrive.
- Mother: Hyaena Hyaena Ab. av Nangijala, from our most extreme
litter, bitch with extreme preydrive, calm deepe bite.
- Same combination done last year "by accident".
- This was such a good match, that we wanted to repeat it.
- Expected malinois litter late january-03:
- Father: Jerv des Loups Mutins, KORAD 240 p, workingchampion
- father to a lot of very good policedogs and workingdogs.
- Mother: Elektra Ac. av Nangijala, mother to our promising
- Father, mother and 3 sisters/brothers are policetested o.k.
- Tervueren plans:
- We plan to mate Lei-ann's Xinganitt spring-03. Male is under
- We also consider to mate Amy v. Joefarm later in 03 if everything
is o.k. on x-ray
- Groenendael plans:
- We plan to mate Bente Kim v. Lanas Hof with
- Delta Phoenix Ag. av Nangijala.
- She started period in the middle of december, so she will soon be
- 2 bitches will be lendt out for having litters at other kennels
names, these are:
- Salvie V. av Nangijala
- Sigma Phoenix Am. av Nangijala
- Good luck !
- I'm shure it will be good workingprospects in both litters
- Malinois plans:
- If we have time and capacity, we consider mating either:
- Mustela Erminea W. av Nangijala or
- a new import bitch later in 2003.
- Thanks for your attention !
- Best regards Emte Jahnsen
- and all the others here in Nangijala